A few days ago, a dear friend of mine Wanda Gooman was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer which started from the tear-duct, and has already spread to her sinus and upper jaw. The cancer is at stage four, luckily, it has not spread to the brain through the nerves.
When I heard of this the world had simply stopped for me.
Wanda, the person who gives all of herself to anyone she encounters;
Wanda, the sister and BFF and cheerleader to all the girls and women in her life;
Wanda, the multi-talented artist, modelling clay studio owner and workshops instructor the heroine to all her students from age 5 to 87 at Wanda’s Creative Clay (http://www.wandascreativeclay.com),; Wanda, the Guinness World Record breaking champion for hosting the world’s largest clay sculpting class in Centre Island this summer – honoring the memory of her former student Eden Worth, who lost her battle with brain cancer at the age of 12 (http://www.mountpleasantvillage.ca/news-a-events/item/53-wanda-s-creative-clay-succeeds-in-breaking-guinness-world-record)
Wanda, the one person who would greet any stranger with her warmest smile and kindness; Wanda, the amazing award-winning guitar player, an animal lover (she has 2 cutest pucks and 2 smarty pants parrots that she loves to no end); Wanda, the beautiful woman who is a natural athlete, who drives a mustang and can out-box most guys, whose golfing skills impress her golf partners of the opposite sex (even though she only gets to play a few rounds in the whole season)……
For those who know Wanda, you will know that I am not exaggerating, not saying nice things because I feel I needed to, you know you can only think of more amazing things to share about Wanda’s character than I have here.
It is not necessary to even discuss how unfair it is to have such traumatic things happen to the best (and I mean the best) person in this world. This sad news has touched us all: family, friends, students, and even acquaintances. Knowing Wanda, she has always been a proactive doer, never liked to complain. In following her example, I started to think positively. Ok, diagnosis is done, not good, but fine, we will deal with it. Wanda is a born fighter and survivor, and so she will do the same to face her challenge this time.
I am thinking of ways to help and to be there for Wanda through this journey ahead.